Saturday, February 7, 2009

Better Late than Never, Right?

My deepest apologies to our faithful readers out there, who have been expectantly waiting for the next thrilling new post! Well, it's here, it's new, but I wouldn't call it thrilling! (hahaha)

So... the Company:
We are continually working on getting back into shape after our Christmas break (it takes us old folk longer than you might think) and we are in the process of re-working A Walk With Paul to be more "tour friendly". We were so spoiled with our wonderful extras we had for the premier!! (thanks guys!) Now, without most of them, we have to be creative with our characters! A new piece is being added to the persecution scene, to show more of how Saul was before his conversion. I think this addition will help in our portrayal of the awesome grace that the God had for Paul, and that He has for each of His children.
I pray each time we "perform" that when people see our attempt at this story, God's spirit would move in a mighty way. We don't dance to have a "warm and cuddly feeling". We want God's presence to move, work, and speak to the hearts of everyone watching in a powerful way.

On that note, I know that nearly everyone that reads this is praying for us on a regular basis, and I just want to say thank you. We need your prayers so much, especially now, as we enter into our 2009 spring season. We're human. We have problems. Much of which right now include quite a few injuries. It's frustrating when you know your purpose, (and it requires strenuous exercize) but your body keeps falling apart and there's nothing you can do about it. But! God CAN do something about it! We don't have to settle for what Doctors say, or what logic would conclude in the back of our minds.
So, if you could be praying for our healing that would be amazing. Thanks!

Another thing: This morning, SSA families and us Pradosicals, went over to NW Foursquare and worked with The Dream Center, to put together over 200 bagged lunches for the homeless. We made pb and j, ham, and bologna sandwiches, put in some other stuff... (I'm not quite sure what all went in the bags- I was at the sandwich table) We had a great time and according to the leader Mr. Roy, we got the bags done in record time! Wooo hooo! (us Paradoiscals like to be speed demons!) We were too big of a group to join in with the distribution of the lunches, but there's always next time!

I will now bring this sporadicness to a close, I hope you enjoyed reading "the latest"!
Now I do believe that an old episode of Mission Impossible has my name on it!


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