Wednesday, October 29, 2008

oh yes, He's still GOOD.

"Do you have a wooden staff? Do you have Roman-looking sandals? Do you have a very large artificial rock? Do you have a fake (but realistic looking) chicken? Would you like to donate a very expensive item to our ministry that we can auction?" These are some of the questions that we have been asking in order to prepare for the A Walk With Paul premiere. I have termed my car the "prop-mobile" because it feels like I am carrying the entire ballet inside of my trunk.

Lately in the studio, most of our discussions have centered around aesthetic decisions for the ballet or how the costumes will work with the choreography or where the extras (the friends we have dragged into the ballet) should stand during the scenes. We have been focusing on the details of the choreography, the acting, and the very-hard-to-hear musical cues. This week has been very productive---working up until the last minute so that everyone must run out quickly when we are done so that we can make it to work on time.

With all of the things that need to be done and the work that needs to be put in, I can get pretty caught up in the details. I even found myself wishing that we could have an extra month to prepare. But when I sat down to write this blog, all I could think about was how excited I am for November 21st. I feel privileged to be a part of a production like this. I am awed by the way the Lord has inspired Joel and Tennille. I look forward to seeing how God will provide for the ministry through the auction. But most of all and more than anything, I am so excited because I believe that God is going to change lives through this production. And for that reason, November 21st cannot come soon enough!

Which just reminds me that in the details of life, it's all about the big stuff (i.e Jesus). There are things that constantly try to steal my attention from the joy and hope that I have in Christ. And there are a million things that bring my eyes towards myself when I should be looking to Him. And yes, this is very frustrating. But it makes make truly thankful for God's patience with me and his ever-willingness to bring my focus back to Him. He's just really great like that :-)

"So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal."(2 Cor 4:18)

So there ya go, there's my thought-nugget for the week. And I hope that you are as excited as I am for November 21st! Please be praying!

God bless and bless our God!

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