Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Back and Forth

16 days, 384 hours, 23,040 minutes and 1,382,400 seconds. That's how long we have until our "A Walk With Paul" premiere- and I can't decide whether or not to be terrified or excitified. (just thought I'd throw in a made up word for all you scholarly types out there.)

This past weekend, we did a piece from "Paul" during Puyallup Four Square's weekend services. It's called "Potter's Wheel" and I must say, it's my new favorite song of the week! Why? Well, let me just say that our first try on Saturday night was a little shy of disaster by our standards. We had sound problems, we had choreography problems, we had costume problems-then I was thinking-"but who cares?" It's not about us "looking" good, or "feeling" good. It's about our Dad. Period. Our HEARTS must be focused on Him and that's all that matters. Whether or not they actually were- that's our problem, but His grace is sufficient! God used our mistakes that night for His glory. Nothing positive Saturday night was because of us, (seriously!) but because He Is.
The good news is we made up for those Saturday glitches on Sunday morning. The reason I love this song? Because from now on, it will remind me of my inability and His ability! Oh yeah, and the words aren't that bad either! :o)

Wrapping things up, I'm overwhelmed at the thought of how many times my God has turned what I see as my disasters, into His accomplishments!
On a larger note, in light of the election news that is now flashing across my screen, I am reminded of this: Proverbs 21:1 "The king's heart is in the Lord's hand. He directs it like a watercourse wherever He pleases." and of Romans 13:1 "There is no authority except from God, and those who exist have been instituted by God." I'm thinking... If God can create the universe- he can handle our country! And if God can create the universe, He can handle my crazy mixed-up attempts at writing this blog!!!!!!


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