Sunday, September 14, 2008

Can’t believe we’ve already been back for a month. All I can say is the Lord is good!!!!

In the past week we have been hugely blessed by so many people who have supported us. It is on my heart to thank you.
Last Saturday we were able to spend close to 4 hours with Chris and Tawnee Tatro at their photography studio in Seattle. Chris was able to capture some stunning shots and we are extremely thankful for the big way they blessed our ministry. You will be seeing some of his work very soon both on our website and in posters.
We also were blown away by Katie Garwood and Lori Plyler as they sewed costume after costume for us. Many nights Katie was up until 2 am, serving so diligently and Lori sewed all the way up until she left on Thursday morning. We cannot thank you two enough.
And Friday we were lucky enough to have three of our biggest supporters join us in the studio for the day. Marie Skaug (a long time family friend to the Delancy family) come down from Oregon to teach class for us. Debbie Durham (Tennille’s God-Mother who teaches for us weekly and is our company counselor) and Mary Delancy (Tennille’s mom) also watched class that day.
I know that there are many more individuals that support this ministry either financially, spiritually or by being so faithful to pray for us and we just want to thank each of you. We do not take you for granted and we love and appreciate each of you more than we can express. In 1 Corinthians 12 we see that we are the body of Christ. There are some hands, some feet, some eyes, but we are each vital in advancing his kingdom. I just love how the Lord has brought so many of his servants alongside us as a ministry. As dancers alone, we can’t do much. But the Lord has been so faithful to bring along his hands and feet in ways we could never have imagined. So on behalf of each of us, I say THANK YOU.

This week in studio we finished two new pieces from Worship Project. The first was called Come and Listen by David Crowder. I love that that is our opening piece. The words are so perfect. “Come and Listen to what He has done. Praise the Lord for He is good.” That is why we are here: to tell the world what he is done, to draw each person into free worship, to praise him with the highest praise! The other piece ends our program and is the Doxology. “Praise God, from whom all blessings flow. Praise him, all creatures here below. Praise him above, ye heavenly hosts. Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost. Amen.” As we danced this piece on Thursday I found myself tearing up. I stood there with my arms lifted and I was reminded of what an awesome privilege it is to glorify our King. It still amazes me that the Lord would find our worship pleasing to him. And not only that, but he desires that we come to him and worhsip. During the week, I read in Hebrews 4:14-16 that we are to come boldly to the throne of grace. We are to enter in with confidence so that we may receive mercy and grace. How amazing that we have a Savior that walked as we walked and although he was tempted, never sinned. And that same sinless Savior loves us so much and desires a relationship with us. He wants nothing more than for us to come sprinting into his throne room and sit in his lap and adore him. I just want to encourage each of you reading this with that. Don’t be afraid to run boldly to your Father God. He loves you more than you know and desires your whole heart. So raise your hands and say boldly, “PRAISE OUR GOD FOR HE IS GOOD!”


1 comment:

JB MOMMY said...

hi. loved all your dance pieces on you tube. very worshipful and inspiring. Praise the lord for your talents. i have just featured your dance company in my humble blog...

hope that's ok!

i am a christian dance enthusiast from Malaysia and have a regular blog rambling abt christian dance (tambourine, worship, lyrical, etc..)

blessings to you all!